Gabriella Bottini
Gabriella Bottini is a Full Professor at the Department of Brain and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Pavia and Director of the Cognitive Neuropsychology Centre at Niguarda Hospital. She focused her research on the topic of neuropsychological disorders associated with brain lesions and neurodegenerative diseases, mainly involving body representations (BRs), motor awareness, body ownership and sensory-motor integration in several clinical populations, such as stroke patients with somatoparaphrenia and patients with anorexia nervosa.
Ettore Corradi
Dott. Corradi has been a specialist in clinical nutrition at Niguarda Hospital since 1999, and he has been directing Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition since 2013. He particularly delved into diagnostic and treatment issues concerning patients with malnutrition by excess and by default (adults and adolescents), specializing in psycho-nutritional assessments, the direct management of integrated cognitive behavioral and nutritional therapy, and the development of new clinical intervention protocols for the integrated treatment of eating disorders. He deals with atypical eating disorders, and malnutrition from organic diseases (post-surgical patients, dysphagia, etc.) requiring diet therapy and support with artificial nutrition.
Hellas Cena
Hellas Cena, Pro-Rector for Third Mission is a Medical Doctor, with a specialization in Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition in charge of the Laboratory of Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition at the Department of Public Health, Experimental and Forensic Medicine, as well as head of Clinical Nutrition Unit at ICS Maugeri I.R.C.C.S. where she performs clinical activities. The main lines of research have involved the determinants of health, including NCDs, eating disorders and lifestyle medicine.
Organizational Staff
Francesco Crottini
PhD Student at the University of Pavia, IUSS Pavia and Niguarda Hospital.
Alessandra Vincenti
PhD, Dietetician, Laboratorio di Dietetica e Nutrizione Clinica, University of Pavia.
Alara Ulgener
Studente tirocinante, University of Pavia and Niguarda hospital.